

If you’re in a creative mood, consider postponing your errands until tomorrow. On days when you’re feeling physically well, allocate some time to embark on extended walks or even venture up a mountain. Whenever a surge of inspiration hits you, jot it down for safekeeping. Remember, the calendar might be filled with other people’s plans, but their agenda shouldn’t dictate yours unless it aligns with your own journey.

We’re all familiar with the idea that life shouldn’t always be taken too seriously. Likewise, it’s vital not to waste the precious time we have.

The key is to extract the maximum joy from life’s moments. Some days might bring unexplained happiness or delightful news. Embrace such days – send flowers to your partner, treat yourself to a dinner outing, engage in a lively conversation with a particularly enjoyable friend.

Believe me, finding pleasure in your good days will enhance your overall mood and productivity even during less favorable days. But how should you tackle those tough days when it feels like everything is going against you? This is when a short pause is valuable. Take just thirty minutes to disconnect, close your eyes, and reflect on the positive experiences you’ve had before. (Some refer to this as meditation.)

Let’s take cricket as an example. If you’re a batsman and you’re having a good day, the ball seems to magically connect with your bat; fielders fumble straightforward catches, accidental edges somehow find their way to the boundary. In those moments, you know it’s a day favoring you, as if the universe itself is on your side. It’s the ideal opportunity to achieve a remarkable score.

Life operates similarly. Seize the opportunity on your good days. Elevate them into something remarkable and unforgettable.

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Hemant Mishrra

About the author: Hemant is the Founder & CEO of branding and marketing firm ”Neeti Brand Accelerator” in Mumbai. He is a brand strategist and has worked with more than 150 brands during last two decades. He is also mentor and coach to SMEs and startups. You can visit the website You can contact him at

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